April Around the Web

April has come to a close and it went SO fast! This was our first full month with Grant and both Dale and I were off work on leave. I will always remember how special it was to have time at home together with our new baby! Family and friends got to come meet Grant and we spent many sleepless nights up with the baby, had pediatrician visits, and enjoyed all the snuggles. We also made it to Reverie, Grace’s musical she wrote and composed, celebrated Easter with family, and celebrated our nephew Graham’s 6th birthday. Here are a few favorites from around the web:

March Around The Web

I’m writing this a bit in advance, baby boy should be here by the time this posts! We can’t wait to meet him. March was filled with final prep for baby, doctor’s appointments, time with family (Neil visited from Chicago early in the month), dinners with friends (Dinner Club at Ragazza, Sonya’s birthday at Lidia’s, Bamboo Penny’s with Mary, Kam, Megan and Matt, and Tavern with Heather) and finishing up work before my leave. We are SO excited for what April and this Spring will bring!

  • This month we decided to get a new rug for our kitchen and went with this beautiful one from Anthropologie. While we loved our old one, it unfortunately was pretty worn from the past almost five years.

  • Right before baby we made these two frozen meals to have on hand. Looking forward to both the stuffed shells and quinoa dish!

  • I would love to have an entire tea station like this someday!

  • These wedding photos caught my eye, especially the ones peeking through the grass.

  • Love the idea of having a keepsake of baby’s hand and foot prints – these shadow boxes from Cowtown Clay are a beautiful option!

  • While I am a diehard Artifact Uprising fan (and ordered my baby book from them), I also love this option for a first year book from Printique.

  • A fun video from my Hallmark photo studio friends about turning a card into a gift!

  • Obsessed with these beautiful pressed flower pieces.

Welcome, baby boy!