Hello, Steamboat

We spent Labor Day weekend in Steamboat, Colorado to celebrate my cousin Ben’s wedding! When we first arrived we headed straight into town to explore before checking into our Airbnb. The next morning Grant went on his first hike with us! He loved facing forward in the carrier to take in the scenery and we all enjoyed the beautiful early Fall weather.

July Around The Web

Every month that includes a holiday feels extra special this year as we celebrate with Grant! For his first Fourth of July we participated in the neighborhood popsicle parade, went to the pool and then enjoyed our traditional fireworks and homemade ice cream at Turkey Hill a week late. This month we also spent time swimming with Sonya, visited Pryde’s with my mom and Sophie, experienced a terrible storm, watched Grace preform in Footloose, visited friends in Wichita to meet Baby Zoey and Baby Casey, Grant turned four (!) months old, celebrated my dad’s birthday and last (but not least) saw The Barbie Movie! Grant and I also spent time breakfasting/lunching with friends (Mary, Matt, and Heather) and had my cousin, his wife wife and baby over for brunch. I’m so grateful to still be on maternity leave and really am soaking up every minute!

Hi, Barbie!

February Around The Web

I can hardly believe February is coming to a close and that we could meet baby boy next month! I began February speaking at KU’s Design Symposium Lecture Series alongside some other talented Hallmarkers, my family got to see Grace perform as Squidward in Spongebob the Musical, I had a great JLKCMO Dinner Club at The Westside Local, Grace was nominated and chosen for Sweetheart Court, I got to see some college friends at Erin’s bridal shower, we hosted a baby shower for my cousin’s wife Kelsea (who is due exactly a week before me), and the Chiefs WON the Super Bowl (again) – all before Valentine’s Day! Dale and I celebrated heart day with our traditional Italian dinner at Lidia’s and then we headed to The Elms for my birthday weekend. It was the perfect mini-babymoon and weekend away! After coming home we had a family birthday dinner at my parents complete with my favorite chocolate ganache cake. The month ended with both of our work baby showers and some final prep on the nursery (as well as a fun Sip & See to meet my friend Heather’s baby, Archer)! Here is what stood out around the web: