Big News!

Hello, friends! I don't often devote entire posts to life updates, but this week has been too eventful not to recap. Some may know that for the past few years I have been splitting my time between Kansas City and St. Louis while my husband, Dale, was in medical school. BUT this week we found out that he will be headed back to KC this summer to complete his internal medicine residency! This news has been a long time coming, so getting the final word that we will be together (full-time!) in our hometown was some of the best news ever!

Letters Are Lovely | Welcome To Right Now

And just in case that wasn't enough news for one week, we bought a house!  I have been dreaming of owning a home for the past few years, and I can't wait to do a few repairs and updates and start decorating! This quote that I lettered for Hallmark pretty much sums up how I'm feeling. I can't wait to share some details about our house and next chapter in Kansas City here on the blog, but for now I'm off to celebrate!