Venice Part Two

Ciao! This is my final recap from our 2018 Europe trip. I've hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into our three week trip — I can't wait to see where we end up next! Venice was my only repeat stop because I visited the city for a few days while studying abroad in college. We arrived on Wednesday June 6th (our three year wedding anniversary!) after a long train ride from Lake Como to Milan and Milan to Venice. To celebrate our anniversary we had dinner at a restaurant with a beautiful little terrace right on one of the canals followed by mini prosecco bottles from a nearby grocery store. Before we ate I bought my favorite souvineer of the trip, a white and gold teacup. It was the perfect way to celebrate three years of marriage and our arrival in Venice!

Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two

Our first full day in Venice started with our trip to the islands of Burano and Murano. I already recapped our time in Burano, but in Murano we enjoyed watching all of the beautiful Murano glass items being made and I bought a new pen. After our time on the islands we made a stop for gelato before visiting the San Marco church. I had been in when I previously visited so we just wandered through the square and took a few photos. Because we had bought full day tickets for the vaporetto we then decided to ride the water taxi all the way around its route to end up at the Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore for a view of the city. When we reached the top of the tower we were able to watch a cruise ship take off before heading back to the main part of Venice. For dinner that night we had takeaway pizza and decided to relax back at our Airbnb. 

Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two
Letters Are Lovely | Venice Part Two

On our last real day of the trip we slept in a little bit and then had breakfast at a cafe near our Airbnb. Our wifi had gone out where we were staying so the cafe was a convenient place to check into our flight, but I wouldn't recommend sitting down for breakfast in Venice because it was much pricer than our take away croissants and coffee had been the rest of the trip. The highlight of our final day was visiting the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, one of my favorite museums in the world. Afterwards we had an amazing lunch at the Teamo Wine Bar, their pasta was amazing. The rest of the afternoon was spent wandering around taking pictures, visiting the Jewish Ghetto and one of the last bridges in Venice without parapets. I once again ordered pasta at our last dinner and of course one last lemon gelato as we walked around that evening. In total this trip (according to my iPhone) we walked 126.5 miles and 603 flights of stairs and it was all worth it. It's only ciao for now, Italy!