December Around The Web

Not only is December coming to a close, so is 2019! This month was filled with a belated Thanksgiving, holiday parties, a fundraiser for Rightfully Sewn, Fusion classes, and all our traditional Christmas celebrations. Unfortunately the month is closing out with a bout of the flu, but I have a feeling this will only accelerate some major New Year’s cleaning and organizing. Here are a few of my favorite finds:

Hello, 2020!

Back-to-School (Nine to Five Style)

Hello, friends! Here is my second annual "Back-to-School" wish list as a working adult. This year my littlest sister is headed to middle school (!) and I am trying my best to enjoy some of the same back-to-school excitement she is feeling even thought I am just headed to work per usual. Here are a few things I would love this Fall:

Letters Are Lovely | Back-to-School (Nine to Five Style)

1. Anthropologie Wynne Journal
2. Easy Tiger Co. Coffee Snob Stackable Mug
3. Lulu Frost Plaza Letter Necklace – Pearl Chain
4. Gaia Olivia Bag
5. J.Crew Striped Button-Up Shirt with Ruffles
6. Rifle Paper Co. Queen Anne Keds (I already ordered these!)
7. Pom Pom Earrings Dusty Pink
8. Herbivore Blue Tansy Resurfacing Clarity Mask

June Around The Web

Summer has officially arrived, and I can't believe June is already coming to a close! This month Dale and I spent time celebrating our friends' birthdays in Lawrence, I visited my cousin Liesel in Richmond, we celebrated Megan and Matt's wedding in Kansas City, and spent a weekend at home in St. Louis. Dale and I visited the Johnson Shut-Ins and had a lovely dinner at Scarlett's Wine Bar for our two year wedding anniversary! While not overly relaxing, this month was filled with time spent with our dearest friends and family and we still have more celebrations to look forward to this summer. This was also a busy month at work filled with special projects and work on cards I can't wait to share when they finally reach stores! 

With the warm weather I have also been wanting to try making homemade popsicles, and the web did not disappoint with two (very different) recipes that both look delicious! The first is the Pitaya Popsicle from Glitter Guide, and the second is a frosé popsicle from Camille Styles. Here are some other finds this June:

Now go enjoy those long summer days!

May Around The Web

May is one of my favorite months of the year, and my allergies haven't even been quite as terrible as normal! This month I traveled to Chicago for a work event, tried a Soul Cycle class, attended Hallmark's Creative Leadership Symposium (and a Gemma O'Brien Meet & Greet!), spent Mother's Day in KC (complete with a delicious lunch and the Symphony Designers' Showhouse), watched my youngest sister, Grace, graduate from sixth grade, participated in a piñata making workshop for one of #My5Days, marbled paper with my team at work, and continued working on Mother's Day 2018 cards!

Looking back, this month was filled with some pretty special opportunities and lots of making. One of my favorite parts of these posts is thinking back on what I accomplished during the last month, and of course seeing what inspired me. I have been constantly impressed by Nick Misani's Fauxsaics. They are stunning! If you haven't already seen them be sure to take a look. I noticed on Instagram he might be teaching a class to share his process, which would definitely be something I would need to sign up for. Here are some of my other favorite finds this May:

Until next month, happy reading!

Patagonia Packing List

Hello, friends! In just a few short weeks I will be jetting off to South America with my family. We have never taken a post-Christmas trip before — let alone to Chile! Here a few items I will be backing for the Patagonia portion of our stay. I'm not quite prepared for what the weather and circumstances will be like, but I can't wait! Be on the lookout for lots of travel photos come January. I've already been wearing my new Patagonia around town and it is much warmer than it appears! I also have been trying to break in the Kodiak boots. Their quality is beautiful in person, I'm happy that they will serve me well outside of my travels, too. Are any of you headed on post holiday travels? 

Letters Are Lovely | Patagonia Packing List


April Around The Web

I hope you all had a lovely April! This month was much anticipated, and full of surprises and spontaneous decisions. Here are a few of my favorite finds around the web this month:

Becoming yourself is really hard and confusing, and it’s a process. I was completely the eager beaver in school, I was the girl in the front of the class who was the first person to put her hand up, and it’s often not cool to be the person that puts themself out there, and I’ve often gotten teased mercilessly, but I found that ultimately if you truly pour your heart into what you believe in—even if it makes you vulnerable—amazing things can and will happen.
— Emma Watson

Personally this month I was able to spend a weekend in Lawrence with my mom and sister while Dale visited his friend in Boston. I love being back in my college town, and even got to stop in the new Wonder Fair location. I also purchased a painting this month from my mentor, Lisa Rogers, show. I can't wait to get it home! This weekend I will be reunited with my girl friends for a Bachelorette Party, which will be the perfect end to the month. I can't wait for more springtime adventures in May!